Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Is there a disorder for picking acne or making sores out of acne.?

I am actually blessed with great skin but I have an issue with the smallest of zits or black heads that I just have to squeeze them even if they are undetectable.And I am so lucky that my face almost never scars from them.But I am worried that something may be wrong with me because I almost enjoy it but feel very ashamed afterwards because I can spend quite a while in front of the mirror. Please be nice and only answer seriously.

Is there a disorder for picking acne or making sores out of acne.?
My friend Tony grew up with an almost totally clear complexion. On the rare occasions when he did get a zit, he would cultivate it, rubbing oil on it and hoping it would get big so he could pop it. It was funny to see how excited he got every time he felt the first sign of a zit. He never scarred either. I was lucky not to scar and enjoyed sending my zits to hell when they showed up too. Wait till you grow up and the zits on your face are replaced by zits on your butt. They are not as much fun and can be painful.
Reply:Obsessive Compulsive.

I've got it a little. I can't stand bumps and scabs on my face! If you want to get rid of the scars you can always get laser dermabrasion. It works wonders!
Reply:Heck no! You're perfectly normal. I'm 52 with wife and kids and I still love to squeeze the occasional pimple.
Reply:I don't know if its a disorder, but you can get scarring from making sores. Have you seen people with crater like scars
Reply:There's nothing wrong with you. Lots of people like to pick.

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