Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Why is the O zone layer very thin in the continental North America?

Why is the O zone layer very thin in the continental North America and as a result of which most Americans have Skin disorders as compared to people from Asian countries and European countries

Why is the O zone layer very thin in the continental North America?
It's a lot thinner because of all of the American pollution. All of the factories in America deplete the ozone, and there's little anyone can do about it unless everyone bands together to try and stop this. It's also caused by global warming... Here are some great sites to visit:



Be sure to check those out.

Global Warming and the depleting of the ozone sucks.

See what everyone can do to help!

And for the skin cancer, that happens because since the Ozone layer is thinner more harmful sun rays can get through.

Always wear SPF. : )

Hope this helps!
Reply:no It caught ebola
Reply:Interesting hypothesis, but not true. At mid-latitudes the ionospheric layer that encompasses ozone does not rotate at the same speed as the earth. Such a "thinness" would rotate nearly independently of the planet itself. At the two poles the ozone layer is relatively centered because the rotational distance at the poles is so much smaller than at mid-latitudes.
Reply:Because of pollution in the Continental US versus pollution in other places, there are actually holes in it due to this. There is a chemical in hairspray that causes the hole(CFCs)
Reply:It's actually not. The O-Zone layer is much thinner at the poles. Cyntripical force, the force that causes cars to move to the outside of a curve, acts on the planet as well. When the planet spins, all of the gasses get pushed to the top and bottom of it. So all those bad gasses that end up at the poles start eating away at the O-Zone layer creating the holes.

Some consider this good because there is a theory that heat can escape through the holes as well.
Reply:Millions of tons of crap DAILY into the atmosphere is nothing to sneeze at. Pun intended.

We are shrewing ourselves over for a buck.

Shooting ourselves in the herd.

Stepping on our own ducks.

Cutting off our nose to spite our finch.

Kicking ourselves in the asparagus beetle.

For the almighty dollar we're ruining it for everybody and everything, and people who deny it are three fries short of a Happy Meal.

Have a nice day.

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