Monday, August 23, 2010

I am doing a science report on eating disorders and how they affect your body physically and emotionally,?

I need help on some questions,

Do bulimic people puke out everything or everything besides fruits and vegies?

Do they do it after "EVERY SINGLE THING" they eat?

Does it efect there skin, or teeth?

How long des it take to notice that you are getting wayyy skinnier?

What are the common reason they do it?

I am home schooled and I had a friend that had a eating disorder, she was bulimic, so I want to do that kind of report for my science.

I am doing a science report on eating disorders and how they affect your body physically and emotionally,?
for common reason, id say they do it because they see celebrities and models being so skinny and they must hate their body or want to look like them so thats why they would do that
Reply:reserach it on the web,I'm sure you can find great anwsers there
Reply:they puke up everything they eat, it erodes their teeth and after a long period of time can cause their kidneys to shut down. It takes less than a week for them to get a noticable amount of weight lost because they aren't getting any food or nutrients. Reasons are because they are insecure about their body, they think they're too fat.
Reply:My friend had/has bulimia, so i'll try to answer. Don't expect any of these to be an expert opinion though.

I think sometimes they can purge all of their meals, but it depends on each purge.

Not necessarily every time, if they eat something like a piece of cake or something sugary or fattening they might be more inclined to purge. My friend wouldn't do it so much if we were hanging out becuase she knew that I knew about it and was nervous of me catching her and telling her parents.

I don't know about skin, but the acids from the stomach make the teeth yellow.

She didn't really drop her weight too much when she was bulimic, but when she was annorexic she dropped a lot fairly quickly.

Emotional problems, lack of self confidence, depression, desire to be more like people in hollywood or in magazines. All that kind of thing.

In no way was that correct, but just the kind of things i noticed..

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