Hi Im a 17 year old female and have posted on here about suspected conditions before, I am always worried that I have a life threatening disease! Its seriously getting me down. I get the slightest symptom or I have an idea that I may have a certain disease and I look the symptoms up on the internet and within a few days I will have all the symptoms I have looked up or "think I do". At this moment in time I am having constant pelvic and lower back pain with some strange burping and frequent urination. All these are symptoms of ovarian cancer and of course I am convinced I have it, I went to the docs today and he felt my abdomen and back and told me to urinate into a sample tube to be sent for testing. He said that my abdomen and pelvis feel absolutley fine but I cannot get the idea of the cancer out of my mind. I have regular periods etc but I cannot help but look up symptoms even though I know in my mind that all the things I am experiencing could easily be something less and much more common eg a bladder or kidney infection. Last month it was a skin disease, the month before it was a neurological disorder, last year I remember going to see my GP about suspected breast cancer because I thought I had lumps and inverted nipples etc...then it was a brain tumor! Its getting beyond stupid now but I cant help but think I am right and I will die young of a dreadful disease.
I cant stand this anymore - WARNING LONG POST?
Sweet heart this sounds a lot like a mental condition known as Hypocondria. Its a major condition that costs this country a lot of money each year. You need to find a therapist. Your 17 now so You still have time. But, if you let this progress the way it has it will only get worse and before you know it, you won't be able to hold down a job or do anything for feeling like your sick and need to go to the doctor. There is usually something underlying in this fear. Its one of the control based paranoia's that often is triggered by major changes or a feeling as that you have little control over the things that happen in your life. It in a lot of ways is a lot like OCD. Get in touch with your local community counciling center. They should be able to help.
Reply:You are actually kinda CRAZY, sweetie!!!! You need to seek out a shrink. You are a hypochondriac with some other things thrown in!!!
Reply:So go see a SHRINK, moron!
Reply:If you continue, you certainly will die young - of worry and stress. Get out and enjoy yourself, see the countryside, visit old and infirm neighbours and help out. Make up your mind not to look up any more diseases on the Internet - no matter how badly you want to................
Reply:It is possible that you are right... what you think about most you often become.... But it is absolutely your choice what you think about. And it is your choice to change what you think about. It just takes practice. Think good thoughts, think healthy thoughts. Whenever you think about an illness, or a bad thought consciously replace it with a good thought. Affirmations are good. Say I am now healthy. or whatever feels good for you. Make an agreement with yourself to stay off of websites that give you symptoms of diseases, try this for 30days or even for just one week. And finally, seriously, you sound like a hypochondriac which is a sort of disease in itself, and you would probably do very well to find a counselor to talk with about it. Good luck, stay healthy!
Reply:Yea get your brain checked. If you're always worried about dying...you have problems..that's no way to live.
Reply:You need to see pysychraist sounds like you may be a hyprocide sorry don't know how to spell it. Anyways, this means that you constantlly think have something wrong with you and will even make things up. There's something off kilt.
Reply:I can't remember the name of it...oh yeah you are a paraplegic. No that's not it....you are one of those people who always thinks they're sick. I can't remember what it's called. I had a brain fart.......or....brain tumor???? You are a hypochondriac.
Just eat right, exercise and think positive thoughts. What is going on inside of your body reflects on the outside. Best of luck hon!!
Reply:You are not crazy or imagining things. You are a hypochondriac. If you feel that you have something you will convince your mind that you actually do have these things. It is treatable but you do need to go to the doctor and talk to him about getting you treatment.
Reply:possible you need mental help rather than medical. you sound like you have obsessive compulsive disorder. Not to further add to your worries but what you are doing to yourself is finding the slightest symptom you have, searching and searching for what it COULD be, then getting your mind into a state of frenzy thinking that just bcuz you have A symptom of a certain disease, then you automatically assume you have that disease. hate to burst your bubble but one single symptom can be symptoms for hundreds of ailments. you said yourself that once you saw what the othen symptoms of a certain ailment were, you then started having them later on. question i ask is if you never knew what those symptoms for that particular ailment were, would you have still felt them? brain plays a big part in our health and lack of it. stop worrying about crap you cannot control nor have any idea of. stop going to online WebMD's and places like that otherwise you'll suffocate yourself from all the worry. you feel sick, really sick like near death? then go to the doctor. stop fussing over every single little symptom you think you have. and everytime you check those online sites trying to figure out what you have, you slowly worry yourself to death.
Reply:Hold up, step back think. When did all this start? During the ages of 11-18 you are toxic with hormonal imbalances more often than not. If the peaks you are suffering were injected into a person older it would kill them or cause them serious harm. I know it's hard but try to chill out and find a friend to talk things over with. Talking helps.
Reply:This fear is ruining your life. I feel for you as it is a horrible feeling to have what you think you may be suffering from (all of the elements!)
Could you be in need of some mental health support, it sounds like maybe you have got yourself into such a state that this may have become an obsession. There is a disorder (that is manageable and treatable) called compulsive disorder. Not that i want to add to your list, but maybe you should speak to the doctor about your fears and see what he/she recommends. You cannot carry on like this. Also stop looking this up on the Internet as that is making you worse. if you eat healthy, exercise and treat your body well you are as fit and healthy as the rest of us.
Take care and get some support for this.
Reply:You're giving yourself psychosomatic symptoms. See a psychiatrist and ask about "Paxil." It has some negative side-effects, but they're better than continuing to have the symptoms which you're having right now.
Reply:Sorry, but youre a hypocondriac
Reply:hypochondriac-yes but you said you know its nothing..the more you stress the more symptoms youll have so the cycle will continue. stress kills people...think of that...check out these things....
Reply:You sound like you are catastrophizing every thing that you are experiencing. If you are constantly experiencing anxiety about something and it is causing you problems in your life then more then likely you are in need of some therapy. Therapy will help you sort through your fears and work through your anxieties.
If you keep saying to your self that something dreadful is going to happen to you or that you are going to die young, you will ultimately live that out. It is called a self fullfilled prophecy.
Talk to your parents, and go get some therapy. It will do you good.
Reply:i believe you are a hypocondriac i am supprised you doctor has not figured this out unless you are going to different doctors each time. You need mental help for this
Reply:I think you've got AIDS
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