I'm just now finding it out and getting on a gluten free diet. Up to now, I thought all my symptoms were an allegry to chicken/eggs (not turkey?!) I was from Hawaii, where Aloe is used a lot for skin and intestinal disorders. Have any similar lotions, suggestions, etc.
Glad to get a list of "Approved" commerical food products to get started on, since it's so complicated to begin with.
What do you do if your wife apparently KNEW you suffered from this, and for years, has been trying to drive you NUTS by always suggesting exactly the wrong foods? (METLIFE Ins. Policy special clause payoff) I've always been suspicious from her actions, but now I really get it. Cops won't believe she's been trying to poison me... But now I see she's just been trying to drive me NUTS! My email is rickhyatt2002@yahoo.com
Celiacs: Does Aloe juice/gel help to relieve and heal your dermatitis herpitiformis itching?
Abstinence from gluten will lessen your dermatitis herpitiformis. Gluten is found in numerous foods, including: Wheat, rye, barley, oats (sometimes), MSG, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, malt flavoring, and many other food additives.
To help identify foods that contain gluten, always read all processed food labels. Fresh foods made at home without gluten containing ingredients are safest; eating out can pose problems because you can't be certain of the ingredients used in the recipe.
For more information, visit the following site:
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