I think the tatooing of America (and the world, for that mattter) is gross, stupid, and a snare of the Devil-evidently, the vast majority of the people in the U.S. have never read the Bible, or decided to rebel (by breaking the prohibition against marking one's skin) against what they did read. I especially find it awful that woman have fallen into the deception of getting themselves marked up like that. There will be a huge outbreak of hepatitis, rashes, and other skin/blood disorders due to this happening, mark my words on that-it's already well along, and will get worse as more marks of Cain get carved!
I see I have to place this under "beauty and style"-HA!, what a JOKE!
America-to tattoo or not to tattoo???
I think you will go a long way.
Reply:i have tattoos and commit no sins.
so you are saying I am worse off than those who lie cheat and steal?
Reply:Not sure what your question is, but I'm going to vote to tattoo. Don't really care about your Bible and think that self expression can be a beautiful thing.
Reply:not everyone believes in the bible hun.
Reply:I love tattoo's and i could care less to what you have to say.Though you make some what a good point but i'm still going to get more.
Reply:Tattooing is hella cool. also your god is false. The Flying Spaghetti Monster is the only real god.RAmen.
Reply:I think it's best not to judge others for what they do to their own bodies. If it's against God's plan, then those people can deal with that when they see him. It's not my job to condemn.
Reply:If men or women want to get tattoos thats there own thing. That is a personality mark. Usually people get them to show there personality. There is nothing wrong with them. But people have different views.
Reply:Not to tattoo! I'm not a tat fan but I'm not sure I agree with the sky falling because of it.
Reply:the passage you refer to is telling Isreal to not mark themselves with tattoos that would identify them with the ungodly people they lived with. . . they were also not to wear any clothing made of more than one kind of fiber- check your labels...
Reply:For me personally no.
Though I don't particularly care for tatoos on women either, I'm left wondering why you asked that question. You already have your own opinion and it doesn't sound like any of us are going to change it.
Reply:Leviticus 19:28: "You must not make cuts in your flesh for a deceased soul, and you must not put tattoo marking upon yourselves. I am Jehovah." Pagan worshipers, such as the Egyptians, tattooed the names or symbols of their deities on their breast or arms. By complying with Jehovah's ban on tattoo markings, the Israelites would stand out as different from other nations.—Deuteronomy 14:1, 2.
While we are no longer under the laws of Moses, I think that that still applies cause of how dangerous it is, and how much of a fad it has become. We are to be no part of the world, just as God is no part of the world.
But I don't think people who get them are bad people or anything. I just wouldn't get one myself.
Reply:I'm an Atheist, but I don't have any tattoos and I don't think I would get one. Mainly for the reason that I don't think I need to mark up my body like that. I just never saw the point... all of my friends have them though, but I don't hate on them for it.
Reply:in my opinion piercing moderately is better then tattooing if you have to do any thing ..after all it will close up later if you ever change your mind and your not marked up for life....and i guess it would depend on your belief and religion , mine is a loveing god who excepts me for who i am.
Reply:What I know of the bible and the word of God is that he is the only one that can judge us. He is the only one that can say what is right or wrong. We can't go around pointing fingers at people just because they have different beliefs/customs. You have to remember that God created us all. He made more than one type of flower didn't he? He gave each our own skin coloring, hair coloring, and eye coloring...Who gives you the right to say which is better then the other? I think you need to go back and re-read the bible. There are some lessons in there that you have missed yourself. God loves us all. He excepts us all. Why can't you do the same?
Reply:What is the question again? So you believe in absolutely NO beautification of the body? This could include haircuts, earrings, showering, shaving, and the like. I am a disease free tattooed woman....and proud!
Reply:So, you're saying that people who tattoo a cross or tribes who tattoo as a tradition in their faith are going to hell? I don't think so. It's a personal choice and just because someone gets a tattoo doesn't mean they're going to rot in hell. Get with the times and realize that tattooing and piercing as an expression of art and expression of self, and NOT a sin. I would rather have a child covered with tattoos and be a good moral person than to be tattoo-less and judging others and saying who is going to hell and who isn't like SOME people *cough*. Have you sat down and had a personal conversation with Jesus? Did God himself tell you face to face that EVERY person on the planet with a tattoo is going to hell? Because I'm pretty sure they didn't, and I'm pretty sure if someone is good inside, they'll go to heaven and won't be turned away simply because they like body art.
Think Before You Ink
Ink Is For Life...Ink On
Live and Let Live.
To Each His Own
I really don't have anything bad
to say about your rant. I've put
tats on preachers, I ain't dead yet.
There are some people, who can
get their faith across, without
stabbing anyone in the heart.
I'll say a little prayer for you.
Reply:Your body is your temple to do whatever you want with it. Tattoos can be art and beautiful to some people!
Reply:First off, if you are a cristian you should not be so judgemental. Do you realy think a good honest person with tattoes will go to hell before a murderer who dosn't? Anyone who has ever gotten any type of rash or anything else got their tattoo from a non sanitized unlicensed artist. There are rules and regulations for licensed shops to prevent this from happening. Getting tatts or piercings is a personal decision, and if it is wrong, your god will let them know when the time comes. I vote------EVERYONE GET TATTS!!!
Reply:Getting tattooed is a very personal decision. I have seven tattoos and love them all. No regrets! Each of us has our own opinions and that's great...makes us all unique. I personally am not a religious person, but I believe somewhere in the bible it might say we have our free agency and that we shouldn't judge others.
Reply:Well surprise surprise.....another internet bible expert pumping out his hate and misinformation. Let's pull out the old testament one more time. You want to condemn people for marking their skin......I am going to condemn you for wearing mixed fabric, for not putting your wife away from you when she gets her monthly period. I'm going to condemn you for shaving and cutting your hair. I'm going to condemn you for eating UNCLEAN food that is AGAINST god.
The lord DOES warn about false prophets that spread lies and deceit in his name. Praise be to god for foreseeing your coming and warning us against you.
I am a Christian. I was raised in a Christian family. I have tattoos. My wife has tattoos, my daughter has tattoos.......and if you read Revelations you would know that JESUS has a tattoo.
False Christians like yourself actually do more harm than good. I've read the bible cover to cover many times and I don't recall Jesus condemning or judging anyone......but if you were a christian I wouldnt have to tell you this.
Rider (Tattooed and proud)
Reply:religion is just made up to make people feel better about life and answer the questions that nobody knows the answer to......based back in olden days where doing anything out of the ordinary was frowned upon, it was supposed to set the standards of our ways of life so people wouldnt get too out of hand.....so who cares about all this, let people do what they want
Reply:I'm not a Christian (or, indeed, an American), and therefore can't really enter fully into the debate, although even I know that the Bible contains any number of prohibitions of activities which are today considered perfectly normal and in no way a problem for Christians. To focus on some of these points while disregarding others seems to me to be selectively reading the Bible as saying what you want it to.
In any case, I don't think you help your argument by predicting 'a huge outbreak of hepatitis, rashes and other skin/blood disorders' as an argument. For one thing, if you do genuinely believe tattoos to be religiously unacceptable, then, although I think that perspective is entirely debatable, it should stand or fall on its own merits and not rely on support from unrelated issues (potential health risks). More to the point, though, you're overstating the possibilities of these issues to a considerable extent, which suggests to me that you just don't know all that much about tattoos. Yes, there are potential risks of blood-borne diseases if tattoos are performed using unsterilised equipment - which is precisely why no reputable artist would do this. To suggest otherwise is entirely misleading.
I wholly respect your right not to like or want tattoos, for whatever reasons. But I have to disagree when you decide that your interpretation of the Bible should apply to everyone else.
Reply:Although you sound like a jerk, you did make me laugh. You're so close minded it's really sad.
And no, not everyone has read the bible, because not everyone has the same beliefs you have. And as for the outbreak of hepatitis and what-not, it's not from tattoos being done properly. That is mostly from unprotected sex and drug use.
If you don't like tattoos, which is fine, you are entitled to your opinion, then stay out of the tattoo section! Duh!
Besides, isn't there a saying "Judge not lest ye be judged"?
Reply:not that it has to do with anything....but every mormon( which is christian for thos of yu who think otherwise) wish they had a tattoo. so being christian by no means equals being anti tattoo. and i like pudding
Reply:Was really, really trying to resist getting involved in this one. There have already been many intelligent responses. You should have actually posted this in the Religion and Spirituality section since you really aren't asking a question about tattoos but making a religious statement about them.
I would love it if you would repost it there since the debate in that section is so incredibly spirited. Then I would most definately participate in the religious debate.
As usual, women are picked on again, more than men, for having tattoos....
Curses on all of us ;)
Reply:mmm, What?...guess what its my body and if i want a tattoo or anything else i'm going to get it done. And not all of us are bible humping Christians, thank you...Thats your opinon and not the peoples who get them done's
Reply:read leviticus, it says do not permanetly mark your body for the dead.....
why dont you judge yourself and let us judge us.
i think god would rather me get inked than rob a bank or kill people.
grow up and get an open mind, God has never granted you permission to judge.
Reply:wow! way to be an ignorant ranter!!! i have read the bible. have you? do you follow EVERY rule and regulation set forth in the old testament? if you do... more power to you but the reality is that most of us are not going to sacrifice animals and people to appease an angry God and to atone for our sins when Jesus has already done that if we have decided to accept him in our hearts.
maybe you should do some more reading.
do you know the rate of infection from reputable tattoo shops? not that high. the reality is that people get hepatitis from going to the nail salon, maybe people with fake fingernails are going to hell too?
have a great day!!!
Reply:i agree and by the way i had three tatts removed with laser but the cost after the 6 treatment was to high.i got my first tatt 41 years ago when i though they where cool.
after 20 years i change my mind but there wasn't anything i could do about then.
so in 2005 i decided to have them removed with laser but they were not completely gone so i try a acid solution that left me with scares on all three tatts
what made me change my mind about tatts was looking around and seeing those around me with tatts and who they were.i ran with a tough crowd but i change over time,and i did get hepatits C that i believe came through getting the tatts
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