Thursday, July 22, 2010

Looking for treatment for psoriasis?

I am suffering from the skin disorder psoriasis, the skin creams the GP is proscribing are having no effect on the spread of the condition.

I have read something about using UVB lamps for the treatment of psoriasis, has anyone experienced the use of UV lamp for the treatment of psoriasis and was there any success, also any information on the best place to purchase these lamps in the UK

Looking for treatment for psoriasis?
Firstly, you MUST see a dermatologist, not just your GP. The dermatologist will be up on the latest treatments and medications. You are actually lucky to be in the UK, because I'm in Canada, and often you have medications approved before we get them!

There are many, many treatments and medications available. I'll give a link at the end for some. It depends on your type, where it is on your body, and the severity. One thing to realize is what works one time, may not work the next - and what works on one person, may not work on another. I've used both UVA and UVB - with varying success for both. The best I've actually cleared was with PUVA - you take a bath at the clinic with a medication in it which makes the skin light sensitive, then use the UVA lights. There are units available for home use, but they MUST be under prescription - you don't just get a tanning bed like a commercial tanning place. Some insurance plans will cover a bed if it's prescribed by a dermatologist.

Good luck to you... it's a long road. I got mine at 22, and am now 46.

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