okay well here is the thing. everyone suffers from acne. the thing is that i am also one of the million teenagers who does too... but i'd say i have a mild case of acne. i've tried proactive pills nutrogena clearasil toothpaste just about everything but nothing works for me. my conclusion is that i have a skin disorder and i dont have acne... anyone understand? i've thought about laser surgery but i heard thats a lot of money... i just wanted to know whats your opinion on what i should do?
Acne Problem... No Solution..?
Try microdermabrasion, Cheaper Have you tried murads?
see a dermatologist first my friend has cystic acne and his is clearing now that he is seeing a dermatologist they put him on some pills and face creams .. there really good.
Reply:Try going to a dermatoligist and see what they recommend.
Reply:Go to a dermatologist. If it's bad enough they will prescribe something such as Retin-A to help. Only a doctor can really give you an answer by seeing your face.
Reply:i know you said that you have tried every thing but have you tryed washing real good and then using a Cotton ball and go over it good with rubbing alcohol it stings at first but it does the trick it worked for me and it now works for my son too,
Reply:Free beauty tips on natural and homemade methods to Acne cure
Also read.......natural and homemade methods to:
Skincare/Acne cure/Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/
Haircare/Dandruff/Hairloss/Hair removal/
Henna on hair/Splitends/
Eye care/Darkcircles/Puffiness
Makeup/Hair styles
Reply:try using aloe. Cause that happen to me before, and my grandparents got me aloe and says it really good for ance. Its takes about 4days - 2 weeks to clear.
Reply:Do not scratch or pick at it act like it isn't even there do not try to squish it will make it worse wash your face at night with hand soap or whatever you have with warm water or use what i do Herbal Essences Astrigent it works great you will see results in just a week or so
Reply:You could go to a dermatologist, but a lot of the things that they'll perscribe will just make it worse and then it might go away or it might not. I used Retin-A and it just tore up my face. You might just have to keep trying a few home remedies. I know opening up your pores by using steam and then getting a clean cotton ball and putting astringint on your face helps a bit. It stings and you can't do it all the time because your face will dry out, but that's one way to keep those pores clean so acne won't reappear! As far as what's already there, you can use a toner that will help with scaring. Try Burts Bees tomato toner.
I've had horrible acne and these things worked for me!
Reply:best option is to go see the dermatologist.They can reccomend the best steps for you. I had horribel acne as a teen and was put on Accutaine. It's serious med for serious acne.
Reply:I was also a teenager with acne. I'm 21 now and still have it. But I've found a pretty good way of keeping it under control where it's not so out there. First of all I changed my diet. No red meat or milk. They put alot of hormones in those things, and too much can make your skin worse. I also have a skin care routien. First I use lemon juice, I use the kind that comes in a fake lemon. I put a good amount on a cotton ball, and apply it everywhere. Let it dry for ten mins. Then rinse. I do that at least once a day. The lemon helps break down the oils and dirts in the pores. I also use Tea Tree Oil. You can find it in the vitamin isle at wal-mart. it stinks but it works. I use that every day and night. Along with that I you a salystic acid gel like from neutrogena. A few weeks after I started , I noticed a difference. I still have it, but it's not as bad. But I do know how you feel, at one time I thought I had something else wrong, but it's just one of those weird genetic things. Oh and never take accutane, I did, it didn;t work and I have some health problems because of it.
Reply:Go to a dermatologist.
Reply:Have you tried Olay's Deep Cleansing Face Wash with Witch Hazel? (I use the one for combination/oily skin). I have acne prone skin. I've been using Olay's face wash for about a year now and it's a pretty good cleanser and inexpensive. Maybe you just haven't found the product that's right for you. Good Luck...
Reply:read tips on treating acne and some more about skincare on this site
Reply:Yea, I do understand you - I had it for 3 years.. and many researches, time and try help me get rid of it (my skin looks absolutely clean now but I'm still taking good care of it)
Here is tips...
1. Skin is part of your organism and if you have skin disorder - look deeper - there must be another peobloem in your organism too (like disbacterios, intestens issues, liver problems etc) Or it can just be a lot of stress, pure diet, no enough fresh air and exsersice. So you want to get rid of you problem - first of all - CHANGE YOU LIFE STYLE...
2. Can be something you wash your face with and cosmetics you use... With skin problem - no cheap supermarket or Wallgreens products ! Only professional skin care FOR SENSETIVE SKIN!
3. No Hot or Spicy food. (no chocolate and fat food too) - Eat more vegetables and buy vitamin supplements and antioxodants.
Easest way to take antioxodants - concentrated green tea (link to greean tea and also there you can find links to vitamins, cosmetics, life style and more http://www.markofpassion.com/beauty.html
just search around careful)
also use baby cream with zinc if your skin look red (it helps redness go away) Avene Thermal Water skin care is good source, but I don't know where in you city they have it, in Boston some CVS have it.
4. No scrabs or any other heavy application alowed with skin disorder. Insted of it keep it clean, but NO SOAP, gentle face washes again from good sources.
5. Visit dermatologist - you will need to use antibiotics for a month or so, to get rid of it forever and after just READ again all above...
Reply:Neutragena Acne Wash and a generic toner called Witch Hazel. Won't dry out your skin and helps keep it clean! By the way, are you taking any drugs? Or, are you stressed out? Both can cause acne. Lastly, dont put you hand on your face to rest your head. Germs can cause acne. Good luck!
Reply:How about Doxycycline? It's an antibiotic to help acne/rosasea. Ask the Dermatologist about that.
Reply:Go to the drugstore and buy both benzoyl peroxide (or salicylic acid, for sensitive skin) and a tube of 1% hydrocortisone cream. Apply a dab of each to your pimples now and continue regularly. The combination of benzoyl peroxide and hydrocortisone cream will significantly reduce inflammation.
Severe breakouts need intralesional injection by a dermatologist. This involves injecting a small amount of low-strength steroid into the pimples. A single dose will zap the zit by the next day.
Reply:try this:
Acne remedies at home
What is Acne Complex?
Reply:Follow these simple steps, twice a day. Morning and evening.
1. Cleanser - Any type. But I recommend you the one which have salicylic acid in it. I'm using St. Ives Apricot Radiance Blemish Fighting Cream Cleanser with Salicylic acid or you can use Apricot Radiance Deep Cleanser. http://www.stives.com/products/show_prod...
2. Benzoyl peroxide - You can get them from the pharmacy.
Use 2.5% BP only OK. I recommend you to use Oxy 2.5% BP.
Apply generously to your face.
3, Moisturize - Even if you have an oily skin you must use it because the BP will make your face super dry (it happened to my face), to protect you face from sun ray. You can use any kind of moisturizer you like.
Try this for 2 weeks.
Reply:Have you tried a supplement, there is several on the market that contain a new ingredient called praventin which is from milk search the web for this product, it works and is safe and gentle some are chewable and taste good too
china green
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