She has these "episodes" usually 2-3 times per week and the following happens: Her blood pressure goes way up (like 145/104), the skin on her face and neck flush, her hear rate goes up and she get palpitations, nauses, and she has pain in her back, ankles, knees, wrists, neck, and a bad headache. This has been going on for a couple months and it only happens at night.
She went to her Dr. and he said she was just getting worked up as she has panic disorder, but she swears it's not a panic attack. She's quite calm and her disorder is under control.
Facts: She's 42 but showing no signs of menopause. She has a ruptured lumbar disc (being treated). Take meds for blood pressure. Blood sugar normal. Weight normal. She doesn't drink alcohol. Occasionally takes Vicodin for back pain (no correllation with episodes)
She refuses to go back to doctor unless she has an idea of what's wrong for fear of just being dismissed.
Is this some syndrome? Anybody ever had this?
What's wrong with my sister?
She needs a second opinion. Before she goes, your sister needs to really search deep inside and be sure that this is not her feelings playing tricks on her. I appear to be perfectly calm when in fact by body hurts. I am so good at self-control that I am unable to disperse all of the anxiety myself despite meditation. Massage therapy helps a lot. Healthy mind, healthy body.
Reply:Sounds to me like she may be starting the menopause. She should get a blood test, which may show any other problems.
Reply:Why not go to another MD and get a second opinion?
Reply:I think that she may be reacting to the her MEDS all of them!!
I am 43 and hate to take pain meds, and I went thru that and found we had to change ALL of them. you said the vicodin is no correlation, but it might be... if not taken properly.
Hun as much as I want to answer your question. All I can do is tell you MY experience. But that does not tell you if it is the exact same... OK
I would be willing to chat with ya and see about an answer--
I THINK A VISIT TO THE DR IS IN ORDER and if she is on vicodin - isnt she seeing the dr anyway and why does that dr know about this..
I believe totally it is a reaction to her meds.(and pain) I have a name for it but would rather IM or Email -OK
She may try some stress management techniques- taking deep breaths when these episodes occur!
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