Monday, November 21, 2011

Dating questions for the ladies ONLY please!?

I have posted questions in here and around the internet in forums, questions about my penis size. I had surgery to remove some skin of my penis due to Peyronie’s disease (I’ll write a bit about the disease at the bottom of this question for those who are wondering what Peyronie’s disease is). Unfortunately, one of the side effects of the surgery is that it shortens your penis, somewhat equivalent to about the same amount of skin they remove. I went from having 7” long by 5” circumference penis, down to 4 5/8” long by 6” circumference. Which is kinda funny since before I was above average in length (7”and above is consider above average*) but average in circumference, now I’m bellow average in length (bellow 5“ is consider “small“*), to above average in circumference.

The answers that I’ve received from women around the internet is that my penis is too small, but that it’s not the size that matters it‘s how you use it. May it is true that it’s more about the movement of the waves and not about the size of the ocean, but if you have very little experience moving those waves with women and you have a small ocean, then I guess that those waves are not going to move too well, are they?

Based on the fact that I have a small penis and that size does matter to quite a few women, some more than others, should I tell women about my “problem” while we are dating, before the relationship gets serious? Obviously not during the first date. I feel that anything that could become a problem in the relationship should be talked about before things get too serious. I personally know a couple of women who have told me that they would not want a man with my size. One told me straight out that I was too small for her and that she prefers them big. If I didn’t know this woman and we started dating, and we felt in love, I think that sooner or later my size would become an issue. I know that some of you may say “well, if she loves you, she won’t care…” It’s true up to a point, may be at the beginning it might be true, but we all know that the pretty much all couple will come down from their “love hi” sooner or later. That’s not to say that they stop loving each other, but that the natural hi of being in love ends sooner or later leaving a different type of love. During that stage of the relationship, issues that were not problems before can become problems.

I know that there’s more to a relationship than sex, but it is huge! I while back ago I read something that a marriage counselor wrote that really stuck with me. She said “I’ve seen more couples breaking up due to bad or no sex, than for any other cause.”

So, should I talk about it before it gets too serious? When is the right time to bring it up and how? I think that once you are start developing feelings for each might be too, is it? As a women, would you want a man to be honest about it if you were dating? Obviously if size doesn’t matter to you, then you wouldn’t care, but if it did, then what? Would you want to get emotionally involved with a man to later realized that he was not up to your “standards?” I think that honesty is important not just once you’ve fallen in love, but before as well.


Peyronie's disease is a rare connective tissue disorder involving the growth of fibrous plaques in the soft tissue of the penis affecting as much as 1% of men. The exact cause is not known, although it is thought to be caused by injury to the internal cavity of the penis, which results in bleeding and later scar tissue formation at the tunica albuginea of the corpora cavernosa.

*Average based on information acquired from studies and surveys such as the Kinsey Sex Institute study, Richard Edwards' Definitive Penis Size Survey, the Durex Survey, and the Lifestyles Condom Co. survey, to name a few.

Dating questions for the ladies ONLY please!?
honestly a man can be too small, but he can also be too big. One that is too large can be painful in certain positions, so at least you don't have that worry. But just learn to please her orally and trust me, she'll forget all about everything else.
Reply:that i nice size dick well i can help u out see if u can send a picture 2 me at or Report It

Reply:im sorry. i wish i could help u. im sure u r very nice, and anyone that wouldnt date u because of ur problem has their own problem. : )
Reply:why dont you get a life instead of writing a million page long question? nobody is gonna read the whole thing... give it up ur dick is teeny weeny
Reply:For goodness sake its just a penis! You are focusing way to much on your body part. So what if its small, if women see your confident they wont be so bothered by it if your not. Go on with your life and stop obsessing over it!! Seriously, just enjoy life!
Reply:Hunni, in my opinion. I would think it would be the best thing to be honest and direct if you thinking that the relationship could progress to the next level. Honestly I have never cared about a mans size and as far as experience goes. I believe that once u put 2 different people in a situation, does not matter how much experieince you have. Every person is different, what works for one couple may not work for another.

Communication is the key to any relationship including a sexual one. i agree with what the therapist said about more marriages breaking up over sex.

So I guess what my point is that if I was in a dating situation with you, I would appreciate you being honest and upfront with me. Though it would not matter to me what size you were. We could have fun seeing what worked for us. anyways hunni, I wish you the best in the dating world, and I hope you find the right lady...
Reply:if anyone wont get serious with you because of that they are not worth your time.

trust me hun, if shes worth it, shell like you and EVERYTHING about you.


best of luck.
Reply:sorry for the jerks on here!!!! maybe try to learn some of the other pleasure point such as oral or massage to make up for size. also when you connect with someone truely you'll find that the sensation is nice but not all, you will look into each others eyes and cry with the love you feel and that alone will make you both sex gods to each other. dont give up she is out there and when the time comes to tell her about your health she will wrap her arms around you like no other. good luck
Reply:When things start to get emotional or physical, to the point that you think there's a chance that you could get more serious, is probably when you need to tell her. Get her into a conversation about her life experiences, you know the basic stuff, (ie my mom had... or my sister...or I had surgery...) Just basically getting to know all about each other and your life experiences. This will make it a lot easier to tell her, and will be the most comfortable means of approaching the situation without seeming self-conscious. The last thing you want her to see is that you are vulnerable or embarrassed by it. Things happen in life that are beyond our control. Women understand this a lot better than men. She'll probably say something like "oh god, that's aweful, are you okay, that must have been horrible" In response to this say something like "Naw, it's okay, it was no big deal, I'm fine, all it did was..." and then tell her about it. But make sure you seem confident about yourself. Just act like it was a tiny pebble in your shoe that you just had to drop out. NO BIG DEAL!! If she likes you and if she's at all worthy of being your woman, then she won't care. If she cares, better to find out now before you get in too deep and get hurt over it. Also remember, sex may be a big part of a relationship, but emotional and mental connections also affect the quality of sex. You'll know if it's right when the time comes. Try not to be so self-conscious about it. If you're not happy by yourself and with yourself, you're not going to change that and become happy with someone else or even make anyone else happy. Peace comes from within. Be happy with yourself and your life, and great things are sure to come. Good luck!!!
Reply:This is not meant as a dis...but you need psychological counseling. Your disease is really affecting your head. (no pun intended)

Whoever dates you does so because they like YOU. Relax and accept it. Should things get advanced and she asks you about it..then tell her. DON'T VOLUNTEER anything. You'll just scare her. She'll think its worse than you are volunteering....

If she doesn't like you because of it (which sounds bizarre) then find someone else...

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