Monday, November 21, 2011

Is it likely. . .?

to have regular periods and still have PCOS, too? I'm being tested on the 23rd- but I'm freaking out in the meantime.

As far as symptoms go:

I check my sugar daily, because I have a family history of diabetes. It's always in the normal-low range, even after I've eated a large meal.

My periods are on the heavy side. I do have a bleeding disorder, so I don't know if this contributes.

I don't have excess hair- but I do have a few stray hairs on my toes.

My BP is on the low side.

I have acne. I'm 21. . . but my husband and everyone else I know my age tends to have SOME acne. It's nothing horrible. One or two zits every now and then.

I have a few skin tags- two under my arm, two on the side of my neck, and about five small ones on my neck.

As for dark skin patches- I think I have some under my arm- but compared to pictures they aren't the same.

What's the chances?

Is it likely. . .?
Honestly, the symptoms you're describing are symptoms that are common for everyone. Who doesn't get a little acne from time to time, who doesn't have a few skin tags? Your BP and blood sugar look good. I know you have regular periods, but do you ovulate regularly?

I wouldn't even go in there assuming anything. I think it's possible to have the symptoms you're describing and not have PCOS.

Good luck and try not to worry.
Reply:I have PCOS but not too many of the symptoms, except not ovulationg and I'm a little overweight. The chances are good, but it doesn't sound like a severe case

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